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LATEST UPDATES                  Features

Andre Fryer. 3 October 2014.

With the fragile nature of our economic environment being an ever present worry, Crowdfunding has become a new and increasingly popular means of attaining money for projects that banks are having to reject. Andre Fryer explores how they operate, and what can be achieved.

Minke Egling. 3 October 2014.

Humanity is taking its next giant leap, boldly going where no man has gone before. Minke Egling explores the intricacies of “Mars One”, a one way mission to establish a human colony on Mars as well as the television series that will cover the mission.

Nicholas Gibbens. 3 October 2014.

With Apple’s reputation being dragged through the mud in light of the iCloud hacking, IOS 8 bugs, and #bendgate, Nicholas Gibbens takes a look at the current smart phone landscape and how these incidents could affect Apple’s market share.

Julia Homes. 3 October 2014.

Waste management and socio economic responsibility find harmony in this piece by Julia Holmes, in which she explores the many ways one can contribute to communitarian programs with an eco-conscious emphasis.

Marochelle Geldenhuys. 3 October 2014.

In the wake of Disney being embroiled in a $250 million dollar intellectual property lawsuit, Marochelle Geldenhuys speaks about whether creativity is dead or not, and how it affects the media landscape.

Gareth Fraenkel. 3 October 2014.

With broadcast media often being an avenue pursued by those who want to shine in the limelight, Gareth Fraenkel shows us the alternatives to being on camera, the work horses behind the scenes that really define a production. 

Sinazo Mtshengu. 3 October 2014.

The political landscape is something South African’s have a civic duty to take notice of and actively participate in, but what chance to our female leaders have when the media has historically not given them recognition and focus equal to their male counterparts? Sinazo Mtsenghu takes a look at the misrepresentation of African female politicians, and how we should be critical of their representation. 

Asanda Mzayidume. 3 October 2014.

Since the popularisation of short message services and instant messaging, the language of “textese” has been either blight or a blessing depending on who you are. Asanda Mzayidume discusses the extents of this phenomenon as well as the effect it could have on the upcoming generations. 

LATEST UPDATES                  Continued

Jade Botha. 3 October 2014.

With graduation fast approaching for some, Jade Botha informs us of a few alternative, private institution options us students have with regard to furthering our JMP educations, and specializing in a chosen career.

Jonathan Fryer. 26 September 2014.

With inflation having affected, like every other consumable, the way we consume movies and television series drastically over the past decade, Jonathan Fryer discusses the effects of digital piracy and why it’s so popular among modern day youths.

Sanele Manikivana. 3 October 2014.

On 12 September 2014, 84 South Africans lost their lives as TB Joshua’s mega church collapsed in on itself. Sanele Manikivana sheds light on the incident with regard to who is responsible and what the effects have been in the aftermath.

Matshepo Dibetso. 3 October 2014.

The blackface debacle rears its ugly head again as two Stellenbosch students’ Williams Sisters dress up attire caused a social media stir. Matshepo Dibetso once again deals with the question of whether it’s correct that it’s considered so immensely offensive in this day and age, and whether context has anything to do with it. 

Maryke Low. 3 October 2014.

With tests and assignments overwhelming students at every turn as well as the exam period being only a month away, Maryke Low takes a look at how the dreaded procrastination bug can be beaten before it’s too late.

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