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Student Lifestyle

Some "extra curricular" ideas and activities.


tick tock

Tick, tock, your time is up.

Maryke Low. 3 October 2014.

How often do you find yourself saying, “in a minute”, “I’ll get to it”, “tomorrow’s good enough” or every other possible excuse in the book? Compare that with how often you decide your task has to be done and the amount of times you do it. That should tell you just how serious your procrastinating problem really is”, says Stephen Richards, author of Overcoming Procrastination.  The problem with procrastinating is the mindset one develops through time – something in the line of “there’s always tonight/tomorrow/Monday etcetera to do this task”.  In reality, there isn’t because tomorrow or next week you will be probably be too busy doing the things required of you on that day instead of focusing on what you have been avoiding.  Before working on a solution to procrastination, it is important to know the root of the problem. 

Environmental factors play a big role in your ability to do things properly: for example, if your room is messy and cluttered, your thoughts will most likely also reflect that in your work.  Therefore it is important to keep your study area tidy and easily accessible at all times.  Once everything is in place, there will be no more excuses such as, “I have to wash the dishes and iron my clothes”, and there will be less chance of being distracted by something mundane.  Once the environment is sorted out, you will already feel more positive once starting out with a project.


The second step might be a bit harder for 'professional' procrastinators:  Change your mindset regarding time-management and learn to prioritise.  Each one of us has needs, wants and responsibilities.  Needs would be factors like eating, drinking water, exercising, and having a sense of security.  Our bodies need energy to function fully and to be able to produce sound projects.  The problem with prioritising lies in the distinction between needs, wants and responsibilities.  Wants are the things you can live without, but would be pleasant to satisfy: for example, to go out for ice cream the day before a big test, whilst knowing that every single minute could be worth so much if you were studying instead.  Here are a few tips on how to turn those wasted minutes into something productive and healthy:


1 – Wake up early every day, this will give you time to tend to your needs calmly and time to plan out your day.  The saying “early bird catches the worm” is very applicable to student life because being early ensures you have a comfortable seat in class. It ensures that you are up to date with whatever is happening, and it might even leave you with a bit of “leisure time” at the end of each day.


2 – Make use of a diary and/or almanac and write in important dates once you receive your course outlines for various modules.  Making a list of things to do every day also gives your life purpose and a sense of accomplishment once all the tasks on the list is done.  Also, classify each thing on the list as 'responsibilities', 'wants', or 'needs' – this will help you compose the list in order of most important to less important tasks.

3 - Reward yourself each time you achieve all the things on your list.  Tell yourself; “I will go out to the movies with my friends only if I finish studying Chapter 9 by 3pm today”.  Remember that indulging in rewards while some tasks are incomplete will take away the joy of the reward and you will waste time by thinking and stressing about incomplete tasks instead of revelling in your accomplishment.


Stress can cause physical ailments as well as diminish your belief in yourself and your ability to work thoroughly. It could be arguable that most stress is caused by procrastination, and not because of circumstance.  Once you allow yourself be proactive in achieving your goals, the self-afflicted stress will lessen and you will have more time to revise, edit or to research.  Go on! You’ve got nothing to lose but time and that bad habit of starting tasks at the last minute.  The time to act is now.   

A video giving some basic tips on how to manage your time better.

you say it best when...

You say it best when you say nothing at all: is SMS textese the death of eloquence 

Asanda Mzayidume. 3 October 2014.

WUD, G2G, LMAO, F2F, and 143. Despite what you may think, these are not the street names for prescription pills or computer jargon, they form a part of a language that has been dubbed “sms lingo” or “textese” if you prefer, this language dominates the online world as young people have popularised it based on the limitation of characters provided by mobiles for texting.

The introduction of texting as a communication method is widely preferred by many due to the advantageous nature of instant communication and its economic benefits, with the cost of texting being under R1.00 per SMS on South African mobile networks. It is also preferred by mobile owners as it takes away the discomfort of certain conversations as well. Telling one’s partner that the romance has died, revealing a delay to an appointment as well as buying more time for a financial debt that has to be met have all been made slightly easier as texting has made its way onto the mobile scene. Texting also provides those who express themselves better through writing as a podium for enhanced self- expression. However this generates concern as much as the culture of texting has been popularised, there has also been a general of the possibility of a depletion of literary aptitude in children, if they are exposed to a culture where as few words possible are encouraged. There is also the reduction of phrases that are deemed to be important to a mere three letters or numbers, causing a great amount of dissatisfaction from the recipient’s end, I love you can become “ILY” or its numerical equivalent “143 “. This can be seen to take away the authentic nature of sentiments and can generate a feeling of dissatisfaction when the communicative intent is misinterpreted as well as the context of the message.


 According to BestTextMarketing, the practice of SMSing has been around for 29 years, with the first ever SMS text to have ever been sent being in 1992. Over the years there has been a development of abbreviations used in an effort to curb and avoid text limitations but this has led to the concern that the more popular textese becomes the less that children will have an invested passion in expanding their vocabulary. While others look at textese as a simple reinvention of the English language, the detriment it could render should not be ignored. What is also brought to the surface is the ambiguity that is generated through the promotion of this casual talk on the web. A general concern with textese is that all efforts that are invested in promoting grammatical laws are thrown out the window, the shorter the word the better and because of the significant amount that teenagers and young adults spend on their mobile phones, these shortcuts and popular trends generated often come into play in the classroom and other environments where formal register is required.


Language enthusiasts shun the practice of textese, citing that it promotes a culture of lazy thinking and grammatical errors. Third year media student Lelona Kumbaca states that  she prefers to stay far away from textese and shorthand as possible, she highlights that it can become confusing when going back to notes to be greeted by the number “2” and not be able to differentiate whether you were referring to the number or the words (to or too ). Associate Professor and Director of Lower Division Writing Program, Chris Werry, gives a brief outline of the features found in the language of IRC. These features are used in order to make IRC communication speech-like, and include short responses that resemble turn-taking in face-to-face conversation. Since typing is much slower than speaking, the length of typed messages is kept short and space-saving strategies become imperative. These space-saving techniques although advantageous for accommodating multiple characters often leave out the most significant features of simple sentence construction such as apostrophes and full stops.


Crispin Thurlow, Professor of Language and Communication raises the concern that young people are losing the ability to spell and write “correctly” because of the Internet. With the expansion of textese even two-worded words like “be” and ok” have been diagnosed as too time consuming and have been replaced with suitable replacements i.e.” b” and” k”. It is often a natural inclination for those who are not familiar with textese not to question the existence of certain texting trends, instead the passion has been to expand the dialect.  If one is not too familiar with certain phrases they can call a friend or simply pick up a textese dictionary off the shelf. Textese has become such an acceptable practice that those who dare rectify punctuation and grammatical errors are diagnosed as wet-blankets, with the throwing around of the phrase that displays an unbothered attitude: “You understand what I mean”.


This promotes an outlook of disdain for literacy practices, with the standard of the English language being compromised for timeliness, it is evident that textese is yet to produce many alterations to the use of common words. The danger that can emanate from the culture of textese is that the clearly written rules of grammar are constantly being second guessed. The culture also contributes greatly to the widening of a generation divide with those who do not identify with the era of textese constantly being made to play a game of catch up.


It seems that online spaces are constantly being exposed to the use of textese practices; these days’ sentences that do not contain emoticons are diagnosed as naked and boring. It seems that in no time the online community will be the hub of online Pictionary with emoticons such as the smiley face J or the sad face L dominating status updates on social media.


The existence of textese has not only facilitated a reinvention of the English language, vernacular languages have also been susceptible to its influence. Texting may have come into being to provide instant gratification and be cost effective, but it is also costly to the standard of literacy practices that linguistic enthusiasts prefer. The decaying of the verboseness that academics and bookworms relate to is a concern to the texts that will be channelled as a result of the growing popularity of textese. Academic institutions have rejected the practice of textese citing that it is impertinent to the dialect. Mobile phones are the biggest distractions that occupy bags and pockets, but what is also alarming is the decrease in the vocabulary of children and young adults.


For those who do prefer conversations that are extended and are of an intellectual nature, textese can be the ultimate cause of one grinding their teeth. What should be done is constant monitoring of the vocabulary output of the young, who simply believe that you say it best when you say nothing at all.

The Pre-Drinking Culture

An epidemic or simply a product of culture?

Jonathan Fryer. 26 September 2014.

When analysing the youth of the 21st century, at first glance there are many new, odd and annoying nuances that spring to mind from an external point of view. Yes there is the Instagram or Twitter culture that dictates that every single shred of a person’s life needs to be immediately documented. Not to mention the passing fashions such as ‘flat peaks’ or indeed the ‘hipster culture’ of lengthy beards and buttoned-up lumber jack shirts that now plague every bar and club across the Western World. Most interestingly perhaps, is the way in which this generation approaches the act of drinking, more specifically before the actual party has begun in the form of ‘pre-drinking.’


The notion of ‘pre-drinking’, or ‘prinking’ as the hipster-esque among us have sickeningly christened it, is a simple one that is the straightforward act of, as its name suggests, drinking before heading to either a bar, club or other social event. The complication comes into effect, however, when vast amounts of attention as well as money go into the former as opposed to the latter and the amount of alcohol consumed at these pre-drinks falls into the category of copious. Many argue that it is simply another reflection of a culture consumed by the disease of instant gratification that technology has presented, however, this is not as straightforward as gluttony or impatience and is certainly a sub-culture worthy of analysis.


There are many challenges that face the modern drinker on a weekend evening and for anybody under the age of twenty-five, most of those problems usually begin an end with money. Due to a generally tough economy, bars and clubs alike find the financial difficulties that high rents and hefty taxes on alcohol a struggle to deal with, as a result drink prices have sky-rocketed over the last twenty years across the globe and countries such as Wales, Australia, The United States and England have therefore taken the pre-drinking strategy to heart as a result. Bottle stores prove a much cheaper source of an intoxicated night and lobbyists in Australia have already put forward notions of levelling the price-margin in order to nullify this problem.


It’s not just the price that’s an issue either, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five impressions are important and social angst can be a major issue when on the lookout for the opposite sex. As a result there is a need for alcohol to be consumed in large amounts in order to arrive at the nightclub already drunk, often leading to the odd potential party-goer passing out before even leaving the house. However, at such an inexperienced age of drinking, students do not always fully understand the science behind pre-drinking. Often the speed at which this alcohol enters the body is so excessive that the act of leaving the pre-drinking venue, exposure to the cold air and the inevitable walk/drive to the party result in all the alcohol reaching the brain at the exact moment the club is entered. A 2008 article from contains quotes from a New York bouncer on this exact issue,


"I don't think there's a bar in the city where, on a Friday and Saturday night, people aren't drinking at home before they go out," said Jim McCardle, manager of The Madison Avenue Pub. "If it's excessive drinking, it's always caught at the door because you can smell it on people when they're coming in. There's the occasional one that might slip by, but I wouldn't consider it a serious problem."


However, South Africa is another issue entirely, especially in smaller cities like our very own Port Elizabeth, where club owners can be particularly greedy and lazy when it comes to who they do or don’t let into their establishments in order to make a quick buck. Also, when smaller Eastern Cape cities are being discussed with regard to alcohol, it would be appropriate to mention the binge-drinking fiasco that occurred earlier in the year in Port Alfred in which a student at Stenden International University, Jurrien Wissink, passed away during a campus drinking session for his birthday.


The shocking loss captured the hearts of South Africans for all the wrong reasons as popular South African investigative show, Carte Blanche, broadcast a story with accompanying video showcasing the incident leading to serious questions regarding the necessity of such a culture. Indeed the media perpetuates this culture, with party films such as the American Pie series and Project X doing nothing to calm the tides yet cannot fully be blamed, the people partaking in this forceful nature of drinking were all of legal age and are therefore all equal to the blame. The fact that none could hold the common-sense necessary to stop this tragic event taking place is frankly astounding and as a result, a situation that many would rather forget about entirely has created a major inquisition of hindsight.


Another issue is which of the two genders are responsible for this sort of behaviour. Often in a social context such as these the stereotypes present themselves; on the one hand is the classically domineering and intimidating men while on the other is the women which the opposite is trying to impress. Yet studies show an intriguing equality in this ever-deviant exercise. A study by mental-health researcher Samantha Wells from the American Centre for Addiction states that, “Research has shown that women are more than capable of keeping up with the guys, which makes their behaviour even more dangerous given the speed at which the alcohol is entering their relatively smaller bodies.” The problem with this is while the level of drinking is equal, the behaviour once on this unbelievable level of inebriation is not judged as so and it is certainly true that while it is not safe for anyone to go to that level as was seen in Port Alfred, it can be especially dangerous for young girls to wonder the streets in such a state.


Whether the experts are happy or not, this does appear to be the norm for now. Drinks are expensive and social anxiety is a reality. There is indeed a stage in the young adult’s development when it is realised that they don’t care how they look or act while out on the town and do not need to get black out drunk whenever this is the case. Unfortunatelyit remains that young people are often susceptible to stupid behaviour, and while that isn’t essentially an excuse, it is almost an alibi. Until a compromise can be reached professionals within the industry need to be trusted to control this sort of thing. Clubs, such as the one the bouncer above quoted works for, need a strict ‘clean’ policy that encourages arriving at the club in a good state of mind whilst simultaneously forcefully eradicating any behaviour to the contrary instead of greedily letting zombie-like youngsters pour money onto the bar to attain as much beer as possible. In summary it’s a relatively controllable, privileged social problem that everyone needs to put their hand up and rectify, like a lot of things it possesses a perfect balance of fun and recklessness that can make for a deadly combination, as the students of Stenden University will surely testify.

The Importance of a Part Time Job

Gareth Fraenkel. 26 September 2014.

As one gets older, the amount of responsibilities they undertake continue to increase. It is of great importance that these responsibilities are met head on and embraced with determination to excel in all required areas of responsibility. A major goal for the majority of those looking to be successful is to obtain a secure financial income which allows for comfortable living as well as a steady platform to support a family. Having a part time job builds the foundations of that goal and aids in providing several other useful necessities, and is of specific relevance to those looking to start that off during their studies.

Firstly, having any kind of job creates a commitment and learning to be committed is a vital life lesson. Nothing encourages time management, dedication and self discipline more than the agreement to offer your services in exchange for money. The most common of these opportunities is that of a waiter or waitress.The need will always be in demand as people will always be hungry. Sacrificing a few hours of your week to begin providing an income for yourself is a fair trade. Most restaurants are open to providing new comers with jobs and as experience is gained, you can move forward to more established restaurants where the pay will be more rewarding. A similar avenue is that of bartending as the alcohol target market is a strong one.


According to Stephan Hugo, a barman at Barneys, obtaining a part time job has been surprisingly valuable. "To be honest, I'm not sure how I sat around all day doing nothing. Having this responsibility has helped me grow in a way I didn't even know needed growing. Plus I get paid which is awesome." He is currently in his third year of studies yet only began working this year.


Furthermore, you begin to learn essential communication skills. A grumpy patron or a generally rude individual will help you learn how to deal with negative people in the real world. Understanding and recognising what type of situations are to be handled in certain ways will help you in noticing these instances in perhaps more serious circumstances. Gerhard Klopper, a 22 year old part time employee at Cousins DVD Summerstrand, as well as a 2nd Avenue Campus student, has experienced many encounters with pessimistic customers. "Sometimes someone is just really having a bad day. I see that as an opportunity to possibly cheer them up. I know the only way I've learnt this skill is by actually being involved in situations where, even if it is really unpleasant, it will benefit in the end to make the most of it and embrace a positive attitude."


The sooner one realises what it is like in the fast paced reality that is everyday life, the sooner they can learn to adjust and in return seek the most benefits possible. It may not seem like a big deal when you first begin a part time job but the rewards soon begin to appear. Your self-worth increases as you begin to realise you are providing for yourself and no longer have to rely so heavily on an external source for an income. The harder you begin to work the more rewarding all areas of life become. As a student creating a steady routine will generate positive results. Collectively managing a part time job, the stress of a tertiary education and still finding time for a healthy social life will all prove pivotal in making the most of your university experience.


Whatever route you decide to embark on while undertaking a part time job, it will provide more firsthand knowledge and experience than any textbook will ever be able to. Nothing helps one to understand more than actual experience. It may not be something that you will want to do but it is something that ideally should be done.

The impressively quick Gautrain

Railroad Revival

Julia Holmes. 26 September 2014.

In June 2011, with the birth of the Gautrain, Gauteng residents were treated to the ideal solution for excessive traffic congestion and “sorry I’m late for work” excuses.  Suddenly, the use of the forgotten “T-word”, which was previously driven into the corner by buses, taxis and general motor cars, was given asleek, 160km/hour status. Although Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University commuters are deprived of the modern rapid rail system, where chewing Chappies gum could land you in handcuffs, the Port Elizabeth railway is still alive, proving to be an active, cost-effective, road rage-free mass transporting system for those travelling between towns and provinces too.


Metrorail, a division of the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) is“responsible for transporting up to 2 million passengers daily in the following operational areas: Gauteng, Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape” ( In terms of the Eastern Cape, the Metrorail has two lines, one connecting Uitenhage, Despatch and Port Elizabeth, and the other East London, Mdantsane and Berlin. With the aim of transporting its passengers to and from work and school, its pricing not only encourages affordability, but frequent Monday-Saturday use. Pricing is allocated into two main categories including that of kilometers traveled, 1-17km or 18-33 km, and the use of the Metro or MetroPlus train facility. Tickets can be purchased daily, weekly or monthly and range from R7 for a one-way 1-17 km Metro ticket, to R360 for a monthly 18-33km MetroPlus ticket. With the current petrol price exceeding R13 per litre, the cost-effectiveness of the Metrorail for students requiring out –of-town transport is evident.However, the true price of using the railway is paid in time, as the Metrorail doesn’t feature the same rapid rail technology as, for example, the speedy Gautrain. Consequently, various stops have to made along the Uitenhage-Despatch-PE journey.

NMMU BA (Afrikaans Literature) (Honors) student, Jason Jacobus, makes use of the MetroPlus weekly to visit his girlfriend who resides in Uitenhage. Jacobus describes his rail experience as “pleasant but just a bit slow and unsafe”. He hasn’t encountered a criminal situation yet, but suggests that higher security be implemented to ensure passenger safety. Furthermore, Jacobus says: “The cheaper seats are very uncomfortable and the times from PE to Uitenhage are a bit weird. More times should be made available between PE and Uitenhage during the day”

The Metrorail with Table Mountain as a beautiful backdrop


An additional member of PRASAis the Shosholoza Meyl, which provides South Africans with a long distance transport system, commuting between a variety of South African cities including: Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, East London, Pietermaritzburg, Port Elizabeth, Kimberley, and Bloemfontein. Traveling long distance by train, which, as a result of the trains speed feels like quite a long distance, has its advantages. Not only do you avoid high airfare tariffs, but the burden of driving, had one taken a car, is not placed on drivers. The trains seating arrangement allows passengers to get more comfortable with an alternative that avoids cramped up transport options such as the airplane, car or bus. In terms of our growing ecological footprint, saying “yes” to the railway is the greener choice. Those interested inusing the Shosholoza Meyl are encouraged to book in advance, as the train only departs on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Passengers can choose between tourist and economy class, with tourist class providing a bed and a hot and cold water basin.


Johannesburg residents, Neil and Theresa Armstrong, who immigrated to South Africa from Europe in the early 70’s, decided to make use of the Shosholoza Meyl to travel to Port Elizabeth for their granddaughters 21st birthday. Adjusted to the European railway system, they decided to take the train for the “South African experience, and to tick off our bucketlist”. After embarking on their 21-hour journey, which, for non–pensioners would cost R450, Neil Armstrong was impressed by the service and said “not only did we meet some interesting people in our age bracket who make use of the train frequently, but we enjoyed the dining facilities on the train. Theresa caught up on her Sudoku and I got stuck into the book I was reading at the time”.


There is no need for the student budget, which is threatened by tempting student activities on a daily basis, to bring the inner explorer in you to a halt. Saving money by, for example, taking the train on daily basis, or travelling long distance by train instead of an overpriced flight, could place you in the position where you find yourself clicking “yes” to more social, long distanced events, as oppose to “no, it’s just too far and too expensive”. Who knows? Your South African railway experience could spark the inspiration for your latest novel, script, article or design brief as, after all, “inspiration is everywhere; you just need to know how to find it…”.

How To: Backpacking Solo

Sinazo Mtsenghu. 26 September 2014.

Travelling can be fun. People usually have friends or family when travelling to a new country and it is usually planned very well, of course, financially planned as well. Last year I decided I wanted to do some travelling and like most of my life’s adventures, it was unplanned and I had not saved up for it.


In 2013 I decided I was going to explore the USA, with hardly any money, I set out for the USA, Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville, Mount Stealing, Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington, Frankford and other areas of Kentucky and Indiana. The plan was to spend as little money and see as many places that I could. In 2014, I decided on Mexico and as usual,it was a trip that was planned in the spur of the moment.  Backpacking alone can be fun, but if you are not a social person, it can becomequite lonely.



As a backpacker you need to be social and try to talk to other backpackers, that is how you get travel buddies and make friends.  Backpackers’ hostels are the best places to make friends from all over the world and for a person travelling on a budget; they’re also kind on the purse strings.  On my trip around the USA I used hostels, hotels and couch surfing. Couch surfing is a community of travelers that are online. When travelling to a city and you need a place to stay, you send a request to a member and they put you up for the night or the week for free. Although couch surfing can be fun and is a cheap means of accommodation, it’s not advised for girls travelling alone.


When you backpack to a different country or through a city, the most important thing is to make sure you firstly have accommodation and you have the address of the place so that the cab or bus know where to take you from the airport or bus terminal. Secondly, another important thing to do is to have a plan of action, decide on what you want to see and how much that will cost you. Thirdly, you have to decide whether you are going to see any other cities or go to other countries, how long you will be traveling for and what mode of transport you will be using.The last thing is food, usually backpacker’s hostels provide breakfast, and you have to make provision for lunch and dinner.


Language and travel buddies

Whenever backpacking in a country that does not speak the same language as you, make sure you know a bit of the language so that you can say the most important words and can ask for directions. There is nothing worse than not understanding anyone in a different country. As foreign as Spanish was for me, l had to learn basic words, so I could order food and ask for help if I was ever lost. Thus, being in hostel where most of the backpackers speak the language of the country as well as English will actually help you. Get a travel buddy who you can explore with. Although you may want to see different sights, you can split up and meet up later at the hostel or for dinner.


How to find the perfect hostel

There are a number of sights where you can look for hostels, but the best site is Hostel World, the site allows you to find hostels all over the world and all hostels on the sight are accredited by the company.  All hostels are rated and you can read reviews of travellers who have been there. The hostels are affordable and make you realise how affordable travelling really is.


Backpacking is an adventure that young people really should try. As people in Journalism and Media, these kinds of adventures open up your mind to different people and countries. The experience of backpacking gives you a different perspective of the world and opens up your mind to various cultures and changes your perceptions of what normal is. As fun as it is exploring countries in Europe and in the US, Third Worlds or developing countries have the most to teach you and people should really try to explore those more.

Music as a tool for studying:  Does it work?

Maryke Low. 26 September 2014.

Once exam time comes around, many students tend to only start studying the last few days beforehand.  There are many different study techniques; including mind-mapping, active learning, repetition, summarising and the use of multi media to enhance the learning experience.


How about music as an enhancer? 

According to Chris Boyd Brewer, author of Music and Learning: Integrating Music in the Classroom, “we use music to create desired moods-- to make us happy, to enjoy movement and dance, to energize, to bring back powerful memories, to help us relax and focus. Music is a powerful tool for our personal expression within our daily lives.”  Different emotions may determine the type of music we choose to listen to at any specific moment.  Love songs for the heartbroken, dance songs for the party-goers and hard rock for those who want to let go of anger.  There are also certain types of music that will help the brain with memorising and understanding, and it is also important to bear in mind the three main types of learners: Visual, Auditory and Haptic.  Visual learners like to see the study material in front of them – be it charts maps or tables.  Haptic learners need to be active the whole time, so action learning might be a solution.  Auditory learners need to hear the study material – by means of reading out loud, listening to recorded tapes, or music!  “Most of us are, in fact, some combination of the three [types of learners], but chances are one style will suit us more than the other two”, says  Using music as part of a study technique can be challenging for some students, especially the Haptic and Visual learners, as their main focus isn’t on what they hear.

Which genres of music are best for memorising and increasing brain activity? 

Any music that contains almost no vocals will be suitable for learning (for example ambient music, dance, instrumental music or Gregorian).  Many students claim to listen to classical music while studying because they believe in something called the Mozart effect, which stimulates certain parts of your brain to help you concentrate more effectively.  In Lesiuk’s book The effect of music listening on work performance, it says that “music may also cause physical reactions such as goose bumps (the release of a chemical called Dopamine in the brain when we feel an emotional attachment to a song) “thrills, shivers, laughter, lump in the throat, and tears.”  “Some students can study effectively with music playing, while others are distracted by any outside stimulus”, says Phoenix Forward magazine.  Most students tend to relax when they listen to their own choice of music, and other students prefer silence.  There is no wrong or right way when it comes to memorising work, but a clean environment with minimum distractions (no cell phones, no television in the background, and no Facebook!) would definitely save you a lot of precious potential study time. There are a few ways of how to apply/incorporate music while studying for a test or working on an assignment:  for example, composing your own songs if you can play an instrument or replacing the words of a song you know well with study material.  By the time you’re in the examination venue, you should be able to easily recite the words of your “study song”.  When choosing a song to use as the basis of study material, pick something simple and easy to remember. Also, don’t use sentence to sentence to replace the words, but first summarize the main points and then use those phrases in the song. Studying with music in the background, without necessarily making your own song, can also have an emotional effect on a person – therefore it is important to choose classical music, ambient music, or any instrumental music without the possible distraction of lyrics. The only potential bad side of studying with music is that there is usually no music or earphones allowed in the venue, and this means that the exam environment differs from the study environment.  Just ensure that you get at least 8 hours of rest beforehand, and to drink a lot of water to keep your brain feeling fresh.  “Researchers concluded that enjoyable stimuli induce positive affect and heightened arousal and, that in turn leads to moderate improvements in task performance” says Lesiuk in the chapter Positive affect and task performance.  Listening to music that generates a happy response may increase your chances of remembering the facts, whereas distracting music like metal or dub step may enforce a negative mood and lessening the chances of recalling details in the exam venue.


It is important to remember that students and their ways of studying differ from one another, and that there is no universal right or wrong.  Visual learners might find that charts, pictures, colour, or videos help them best, while the Haptic learner needs to be active – to do things physically in order to learn for example, pacing, working with their hands or re-enacting study material.  Using music as an enhancer can be suitable for all types of learners, but will be most effective for the auditory learners who like to hear the material, be it in the form of a music piece or recalling the lecturer’s voice.  While summarising work, it also helps to repeat and paraphrase it vocally because then the maximum amount of senses are stimulated.


 Although using music as an element in your study method is fine, don’t rely on the musical part only.  You need to involve as many of your senses as possible to have a meaningful study experience.  Sight is important for studying, for example videos or tables and charts.  Hearing the material is also crucial in remembering, so make sure to repeat aloud the most important facts, or to sing along with your own study song. Active learners, on the other hand, may get restless easily (because mostly it is required of them to sit down and study), so it is important to take short 10 minute breaks between hour long study sessions.  It is there to enhance the process, but mostly the effort should come from you and your willingness to be successful.  Haptic learners should also try to stretch during the breaks, as restlessness may kick in quickly during a study session. 


In conclusion, listening to music while studying can be very successful or a nuisance to some students – it is important to find out what your string points and weak points are before proceeding.  Eliminating distractions such as cell phones, television shows, chattering friends and music that requires too much of an emotional response will better the study process significantly.  Research shows that some university students find it very helpful to listen to classical music while working and studying, as it clears their minds from clutter and help them focus on the task at hand.  

The Notorious Student Stress Syndrome

Jade Botha. 5 September 2014.

Each and every one of us experiences stress, whether it be on a small or large scale, no matter how frequent. Feeling that bit of nervousness before a presentation or an important speech can sometimes be to our benefit, but the serious type of anxiety or stress can leave anyone feeling hopeless. Perhaps understanding the root of the problem can help one manage it better, in order to boost self-confidence and make a success of anything you put your mind to.

Stress or anxiety can be split into two categories, which in total, sum up every single aspect of our lives where stress can play a large role. Throughout our lives we experience work (or in our case, varsity.) or personal-life stress ( Causes of Stress), and what is not realised is that a large amount of stress in one area can actually affect the other area as well. Varsity stresses include a heavy work load, unhappiness in the field you are studying, as well as the fear of not doing well due to an inability to grasp the work. There may even be a bit of doubt surrounding the uncertainty of whether you will make it in the working world. These stresses can cause negativity towards attending classes, completing work, and if one really dislikes the work they need to complete it is even more challenging to do it to the best of your ability.


There are times when life stresses pose an even greater amount of anxiety because these are the stresses we experience in our personal time away from our work place. With regard to work stress, one is still able to leave that at the office to some degree, whereas stress in our personal lives is far more difficult to fully have a break from. These stresses include failing relationships, death of a loved one, family conflict, domestic abuse, as well as emotional anxiety such as low self-esteem, anger or depression.


Living with such anxiety, no matter in which area of one’s life, it is often not easy to resolve and therefore one often just continues to live with it, without any real hope of dealing with it. The key is to be honest with yourself and acknowledge the aspect of life which is causing anxiety\stress. Be proactive about your stress management. If you are not coping with the work load because you don’t grasp the work, don’t be afraid to consult your lecturer and ask – they are there to help you! If you are experiencing emotional stress, activities such as exercise and partaking in hobbies you enjoy will help you too. Sometimes it is possible to feel as though your entire life is governed by how much anxiety you feel, but overcoming it must be a change in mind set. Starting “a stress journal can help you identify the regular stressors” (Melinda Smith. Stress Management.2014), because you are able to write about your feelings each day and also about what caused these feelings. Also, set goals for yourself every day, no matter how small they may be, once you achieve them your self-esteem will already be improved.


There could be a chance that you experience stress in only one of the above mentioned categories, or perhaps even both, but either way there is a solution. Do not despair, each and every one of us will be a work in progress for the rest of our lives, and it is our will to overcome that which builds us up. You will experience anxiety and stress in some way for the rest of your life. However, it does not have to play a defining role. 

The Hook Up Generation

Marochelle Geldenhuys. 5 September 2014.

In the movie The Notebook, Noah wrote Allie 365 love letters, one for every day they were apart, yet we as youngsters are afraid to pick up a pen and paper because we have become conditioned to attach ourselves to modern technology such asinstant messaging.


According to a 2012 Pew Research poll, “63 percent of teens exchange texts with their friends every day while only 35 percent engage in face-to-face socializations with those same people outside of school” (Dockterman, 2014: TIME). Some of us have become so dependent on modern technology that we have forgotten how it feels to communicate face-to-face and connect with someone on an emotional rather than a virtual level. Allie Bukatman advises in Elite Daily that“enough is enough! If you want to talk to someone, go for it! If you’re feeling really into someone, give him or her a call! So much is misconstrued from text messaging. Too many of us have spent hours analyzing a single text. Do yourself a favor and have an actual conversation — nothing holds more power” (2014).

Not only have young individuals lost most of their abilities to communicate ‘normally’ they also have a very different perception of dating and commitment. Modern technology plays a very huge role when it comes to these losses and perceptions. Modern technology encourages the on-line and virtual world – which is filled with interesting, unknown ‘others’. Individuals crave interaction, attention and intimacy and the internet has become a perfect place to find it. “Human beings want intimacy. Is it because we were designed that way? Probably not. It’s most likely only an idea that we created not too long ago in order for us to make more sense out of our carnal urges, making us less animalistic and more “special.” But you know what? It’s the best damn idea that man has ever come up with” (Hudson, 2014: Elite Daily). Despite all the positive aspects of receiving this interaction and intimacy online, a negative phenomenon developed. “Intimacy requires you to expose yourself, to show your true colors. It requires you to be vulnerable and to place all your cards on the table” (Hudson, 2014: Elite Daily). This is very hard to do; not everyone is comfortable enough with themselves to expose themselves completely and show their true colors to others. As a result of the aforementioned, the ‘hook-up culture’ has started.


The hook-up culture is one that accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters as well as casual sexual relationships and one-night stands. The hook-up culture focuses on physical pleasure without necessarily including emotional bonds or any long-term commitment. The hook-up culture may refer to anything from kissing to engaging in sexual relations (cf. Elite Daily 2014). To some, this sounds amazing – it may be so much easier than being in a committed relationship and taking someone else’s feelings into consideration. The individuals are free to do what they want, with whomever, whenever. The other advantage is that one does not have to tell their ‘significant other’ where they have been, with whom or what they have been up to. “People like to date. It’s a simple fact. We enjoy it. We crave having company because we are social, and because we’re horny; we’re horny socialites. My issue is, if you are going to do anything, dating included, you should be doing it for a clear purpose” (Hudson, 2014: Elite Daily).


Intimacy is not sex. You can have sex without being intimate and this is what most relationships end up to be nowadays; two individuals just sleeping together – having casual sex and then all of a sudden they decide to put a label on it and start dating. ‘Individual X is now in a relationship with Individual Y.’ For some or other reason this makes it okay for two individuals to engage in casual sexual relations. “The problem is, because you won’t admit that you simply want to be together because you like the sex and each other’s company enough to continue having sex, you have to do all those other things included in the boyfriend/girlfriend package” (Hudson, 2014: Elite Daily).Even though two individuals are now in a relationship it does not necessarily mean that they love one another; one could even refer to this as ‘friends with benefits’. Is this what young adults really want? Do they want unsteady, half committed emotionless sexual encounters? That may be good, but will it always be enough? “You don’t want good; you want incredible. You want a blindingly passionate, earth-shattering, belief-rearranging relationship. You want someone who truly does make you a better you. The only way is by first stripping down bare, not just metaphorically, and allowing someone else to see you for you” (Hudson, 2014: Elite Daily).


Individuals feel very differently about the hook-up culture. Some see it as a positive thing and others see it as very negative.Dockterman claims that the hook-up culture is a myth and that young individuals must enjoy themselves fully while they still can. She also states that random hook-ups are less stressful than dating and relationships. “Parties, too, felt like a much more natural venue to talk to someone than a crowded Starbucks. Dates can feel contrived, whereas a party feels organic. Being surrounded by people, music and activities gives you something to talk about. Your friends could always help you or bail you out of a bad situation. And of course there’s the liquid courage” (Dockterman, 2014: TIME).


The hook-up culture dominates the lives of college students today. Most students spend hours worrying over their hopes for Friday night and, later, dissecting the evenings’ successes or failures. The pressure to participate comes from all directions – from their peers and from the media. Individuals who do participate in the hook-up culture are most of the time left feeling unsatisfied and used -  the next morning of course. These individuals tend to have more psychological problems than individuals who do not participate in this phenomenon. Author, Donna Freitas of the book; The End of Sex: How Hookup Culture is Leaving a Generation Unhappy, Sexually Unfulfilled, and Confused About Intimacy states that; “Not only are more college students hooking up -- kissing, making out and having sex -- but these experiences often leave them feeling empty, sad and regretful.” Of the 557 male and female students who responded to a question asking how they felt the morning after a hook-up, 41% of those expressed sadness, regret and ambivalence (cf. Kerner, 2013. CNN).


Social media is breeding a casual hook-up culture and booting dating etiquette out the window, according to a new report.Bling Ring author, Nancy Jo Sales, interviewed teenagers across the country on behalf of Vanity Fair, and found that they all used Facebook and dating sites as quick cures for their loneliness. Many youngsters and students suffer from depression, anxiety and feelings of isolation, acerbated by social media. Hooking up and having sex casually is promoted all over the media by celebrities that teenagers and students look up to. Freitas, (2013) also states in her book; “The reason for hooking up is less about pleasure and fun than performance and gossip - it’s being able to update [on social media] about it. Social media is fostering a very unthinking and unfeeling culture.”


The hook-up culture is appealing in part because it is so low-risk. Keeping things casual ensures that one faces much less rejection than he/she would if they were attempting to take it to the ‘next level’. The casual nature of the hook-up culture and the non-relationship also guarantees that there won’t be that tearful breakup if things don’t work out (cf. Elite Daily 2014).

The hook-up culture may be fun but people also need to remember that often times with relationships the old adage;“no pain, no gain”certainly applies. The possibility of what one can gain is a real relationship with true intimacy, and the sense of true happiness and fulfilment that comes with it. These gains can be worth the risk one takes to get there and are comparably far more significant in the greater scheme of one’s life.


Yes, But What is Your Relationship Status?

Gareth Fraenkel. 5 September 2014.

True love should remain a mystery. That may sound like the first line in an old English poem, however, in your pre 'grown up' years love should preferably be the last item on your agenda. With the fast paced challenges coming your way as you enter into an unfamiliar environment of your early twenties, it is vital to focus on what you want as a person, rather than what 'both' of you want as a couple.


Your schooling years were, more likely than not, only completed because your parents or an external influence literallydragged youout of bed in the early hours of the worst day ever. Life immediately after high school is potentially the only time you will truly have to yourself. Every decision and adventure is up to you and no one else. What you do during these years can often determine your future and the outcome of your life. Whether it be an educational path or a more alternative route, these years of your life should be spent learning and embracing every bit of knowledge life hands you. It is of utmost importance to channel all your focus and energy towards the things in your life that will create progression for you as a person. "When I was in my twenties, it felt like I was riding wild horses, and I was hoping I didn’t go over a cliff," said the resourceful musician, Chaka Khan, when asked about her youth during an interview several years ago. In an academic aspect the more you put in, the greater the reward, as many a lecturer has surely stressed towards you. Socially, it is a time to go out and experience the unfamiliar and create life long memories. You are at an age where almostnothing is frowned upon as you are at that stage where mistakes will be made. A relationship at this time in one's life may have a reduced probability of success as several obstacles are ever present. 


A major factor facing relationships nowadays is social media. It has become increasingly easy to infiltrate one another's lives in the hope of becoming a part of their life. Due to the simplistic nature of constant accessibility brought forth by social media, the temptation of promiscuity is far more substantial than ever before. Therefore, a serious matter of whether it is ultimately worth engaging in a serious relationship with someone becomes a pivotal decision. According to Anne Collier, a statistician interested in social media impacts, "75% - of two hundred 18-25 year olds - said that social media affects romantic relationships 'negatively.'"In most cases romance is no longer a platform of hand written letters and heart warming speeches in the rain, they have been replaced by a 'like' of a photo or a meaningless text conversation. The social community in general has become so tight knit that everyone knows everyone else's business. Consequently, it provides a further area in which petty fights can ensue and ultimately result in a confrontation that will long be forgotten in the future and rendering it utterly pointless. Therefore, what is being implied by these circumstances is that during your early years, yourfocus should be on maintaining and establishing a prominent path for yourself rather than a path accumulating of meaningless romantic relations.


If you focus your future based on anyone else's needs at such an early stage, you are setting yourself up for failure.For a person in their early twenties,life is about creating an adventure in which you lead the way. You need to be your own person and establish a mindset of maturity and self worth. No one else can make you love yourself. Now is the time to be selfish and spoil your own persona with everything it needs to become the person that can exuberate the world of love to that lucky someone when the time is right. The time is not right if your biggest responsibility is being on time for a 7.45am lecture on a rainy day. True love is a delicate yet impenetrable force that deserves complete dedication as well as constant sustainability. Such effort should not be exercised at a time where your energy should be focused on paving the road for your future. In the movie Dreams for an Insomniac,Tiffanie DeBartolo scripts the honest phrase, “Unless it's mad, passionate, extraordinary love, it's a waste of your time. There are too many mediocre things in life. Love shouldn't be one of them.”Rather than search for the mediocrity, strive towards the undeniable success of working hard for yourself and your interests andlove the furthest from mediocrity will find you. 


This is not encouraging the complete eradication of love; it is simply a suggestion that the pursuit not dominate one's life at such an early age. There is the rare occasion of a fairytale romance in a sense where love at first sight and all the other clichés fall hand in hand but the reality of that is genuinely miniscule. A successful individual who is comfortable with who they are and has attainable life goals possess an attractive quality that will generate appeal from all angles.So instead of considering what others may find attractive about you, put in time and effort into the things that you believe bring out your true interests and happiness.


Love, marriage, small heart-shaped chocolates and all that comes with a romantic embrace between two individuals is undoubtedly one of life's true wonders and must certainly be experienced by everyone. However, the urgency for this experience should be toned down until you have discovered a career path or established a secure financial future for yourself. Some may argue that love just happens and that is true, but more often than not people become attached to the notion of finding true love rather than love finding them. In certain cases it can be seen that due to relationship difficulties ones academic standpoint can be faulted. Such an instance would be easily avoided had that relationship not taken place at all. It may seem a harsh approach towards the miracle of love but concentrating on yourself at this age will unquestionably pay off.

The Time to Travel

Jade Botha. 29 August 2014.

As university students, we have to put off a lot of things throughout our daily lives, but going abroad should definitely not be one of them. If we are really living young and wild and free, then why not do so whilst seeing what else this world has to offer?


There is something so terrifying and yetexhilarating about taking that first step off the aeroplane, onto ground on which you have never stood before. Whether you have chosen to come alone or with a few people you know, you are doing something bold which will stay in your memory for the remainder of your life. Here you are new and different, and you are guaranteed to never depart the same person you were as when you arrived. No matter your country of choice, be prepared to see, learn about and adapt to all the wonders that you are about to surround yourself with.


Perhaps not every single person has this burning desire to see the world, but what a shame it must be to go through life not knowing what else is out there. Some of usleave school and continue on to hit the books yet again for the following four years. We do not take the infamous gap year, so by the end of our varsity period, itfeels as though all our brain power has been sucked out of us. The simple pattern of school, university and then the working-world has been followed once again.

Of course there are those of us who take a year off in between, perhaps to earn some money here and there, but have you ever thought of choosing a different road altogether? There are those of us who believethat if we do not pursue our studies directly after school then we never will, but this does not mean we need to slot into the real world right after we graduate either! Why not go to places you have never been before and take that well-deserved break from all that you have known for the past twenty-something years?


All through our lives we, in a sense, behave like sponges soaking up new experiences and learning new lessons, not only about ourselves but also those around us. Yes, knowing your field like the back of your hand is of course a must if you want to be successful and respected in the work place, but some knowledge cannot be taught in a lecture hall. One becomes so worldly during travels to various parts of the world, not only because you are encountering new cultures, but because it allows you to compare your new surroundings to your own back home. It is through comparisons that we also start to develop our own opinions about how the world really works, as well as how we fit into it as individuals. No matter what you have studied during your time at university, you are always able to add to that knowledge each time you experience new things abroad. For example, whether one has studied media or marine biology, when in the USA or other parts of the world, you can experience these fields wherever you are and take note of how they are researched in places outside this country.


You may be wondering, “What if travelling is just not for me?”The truth of the matter may very well be that it is not for everybody, but you will never know unless you go out on a limb and try it. The beauty of travelling in the new millennium, is that it makes obtaining information about travelling so accessible. One simply needs to Google a word and you will be amazed at what pops up! Though you may want to travel during a “gap year”, it does not mean you literally need to travel the entire year if that is not what you would like to do. There are so many places for you to go only for a few short months, depending on what you would like to do. For women, Au pair in America is a great way to work and travel if the States is your country of choice. This way you also get to meet many other young people from all over the globe, and you are able to experience the American way of life by actually living with various families. These programs run for twelve months at a time with an added “thirteenth month” set aside for travelling. This program can even be extended for another twelve months if desired. It is important to remember that you can come home at any time throughout the first twelve months, should you be unhappy for any reason. However, if looking after children is not for you, then there are many other opportunities abroad, perhaps for six months or less.Work Away is another program that allows for students from all over the world to work abroad during certain seasons. The numerous jobs include being waiters, hosting, and teaching various sports at many of the holiday country clubs in the US. These programs are usually between four and six months long during summer or winter and also depends on the availability of vacancies for new staff.


For some students, a year off between studying and working is unfortunately not an option. For those of you who fit into this category, it would be advisable to enquire about exchange programs. NMMU for example, has joint study programs with universities all over the world. There are many foreign students who are only here in South Africa for six months or even less. This is a smart way to continue your studies whilst going overseas, and you will probably find that you are not the only South African student doing so. Since leaving home may be daunting at first, we always tend to seek company so that we do not feel completely alone, but if possible, goingon your own may be a better idea. The whole idea of travelling is to leave your comfort zone and we have to admit that seeing the same faces on a daily basis is what allowed us to establish that comfort zone in the first place. To fully break away from the daily norm, you need to start afresh. How many people can honestly say that they have received an absolutely clean slate – travelling gives you this opportunity!


One thing that always kills the travelling dream is the fact that it is just so expensive! The current exchange rate is absolutely shocking, making it nearly impossible for South Africans to go abroad anywhere. This is why the programs mentioned above are actually such great ideas. While you are abroad, you will be paid for your services and accommodation and meals will be provided as well.  The agency also takes care of all the pre-travelling admin, which can become really frustrating when doing it yourself. Just think about it, if you wanted to travel purely for the sake of travelling, imagine how much it would all cost in total. You would have to pay for flights, accommodation, food, travelling around your destination and surely you would need some spending money to have a good time while you are abroad. All these costs add up, making four weeks’ worth of travelling around Europe come down to the better part of R50 000. Almost all of us can say that we do not have that kind of money to spend in such a short space of time. One could wait for a later stage in life, when you are financially established and can afford such trips, but travelling when you are in your late thirties and travelling now are two different things. Do all you can while you are young!


It is true when we hear people describe their travels as one of the best decisions they have ever made. Nobody’s experience will ever be the same and as with most things in life, it really is about what you make of it. Society has become so fast paced that we rarely take the time to appreciate all that there is in the world and therefore we must try to see as much as we can. The amazing thing about the globe, is that it presents an unlimited list of adventures, so if you are not happy with your current location, pick a new destination and make your way there. At the end of the day, we regret the things we did not do far more than the things we did.

That Party Last Night

Gareth Fraenkel. 29 August 2014.

It is no secret that university life goes hand in hand with ones social life. Young individuals are at the prime age of gaining knowledge and experience which will play a vital role in their lives as they grow older. The years spent studying are potentially the final years of one's 'party' phase, unless of course they go on to live lives that accommodate such behaviour, a rarity. However, many do not become ‘rock stars’andafter graduation the challenge of real world survival begins.


Due to American influence, it has become quite apparent that parties and the ‘night life’ in university are unlike anything ever experienced. The parties seem bigger and the all-round appeal is just too much to ignore. Here in South Africa there is a similar relationship between university and social life. This is more notable in student towns such as Stellenbosch and Rhodes, but in Port Elizabeth, NMMU manages to hold its own as much as the next tertiary education establishment.


NMMU manages to organise successful extra mural events– most of the time. A stand-out occasion is that of the Varsity Cup Rugby. It is coated with an unreal atmosphere, unity, enjoyment as well as a rugby match – most of which are unattainable in many other events. Mostly, the pre-celebrations lead to a well rounded evening of post-celebrations as well. It is important social events like the Varsity Cup that provide an extra platform, generate enjoyment and social interaction with fellow students at university. The underlying reason for such events is partially with the aim of creating unity among fellow learners and it is quite possible that friendliness tends to escalate after alcoholic beverages.


The main focus of NMMU events is placed on unity and creating an open interconnected environment for its students. Students should aim to maintain a healthy social life while focusing on their academic life. The people you study with are the people you are going to be around for quite some time so you should make that a pleasant experience. There is no need to go out and become ridiculously intoxicated. The idea of making new friends is based more along the lines of becoming involved with the university and creating memories, those that could turn out to be life lessons and experiences.


NMMU does well in supplying a substantial social platform for its students. It is up to them to become involved or even add to this platform. Unity is not created without one another and every small step taken towards social interaction creates larger strides building us as individuals and allowing us to give value to the people around us.  

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