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About us

Launched in August 2014, JMP Chronicle is a weekly online publication based in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. It is structured around the interests of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University students studying Journalism, Media and Philosophy.


JMP Chronicle serves as a looking glass into the youth of South Africa, more specifically showing what JMP students are interested in and occupy themselves with. We aim, as a collective, to highlight and explore occurances, events, social phenomena and media related stories which find relevance in our sphere. All stories fall under the categories of "Media", "Student Lifestyle", "Human Interest" and "Varsity". This is a publication by students, for students.



The Team: 



André Fryer



Charde Meyer,

Candice Bezuidenhout,

Zandile Funde



Nicholas Gibbens
Minke Egling


Writing team A:

Jonathan Fryer

Maryke Low

Jade Botha

Sanele Manikivana

Matshepo Dibetso


Writing team B:

Gareth Fraenkel

Asanda Mzayidume

Sinazo Mtsenghu

Marochelle Geldenhuys

Julia Holmes




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